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Our story

For too long there has been a disconnect between doctors and complementary medicine experts.


For too long have women not received tailored care and been shoved in a one size fits all approach.


8/10 women in the UK feel that they are not listened to by health care professionals and leave their appointment feeling broken.



We’re here to change all of this.



Our ethos is rooted in a commitment to excellence, bringing together the worlds of modern medicine with holistic care under one cohort and a multidisciplinary care team.


Our aim is not only to promote healing, but enable transformative and long-term changes in our client's lives.

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"I’d struggled with an eating disorder for seven years and turned to holistic wellness only at my rock bottom, when nothing was helping me get back my period, and being told I might struggle with infertility. After healing my physical body, I learned the importance that our energetic and spiritual health has on every part of our lives. I vowed to myself that if I ever figured out how to finally feel better, I would do everything in my power to help other women in their wellness journeys. I wanted to bridge the gap between the physical and the energetic, and create a space that people can really trust.”

– Neda Khalatbari



"Being Swiss, facts, science, and accuracy is in my blood. Because of this I was somewhat of a skeptic when it came to holistic health and alternative medicine. That all changed after I was diagnosed with an "undiagnosable" chronic health condition that completely altered my life. Western medicine didn't have the answers and the pills were doing “their jobs”. I had made peace with the idea of living with illness, but couldn't make peace with how hard the traditional medical system made it on me to do so. With Moment we are building more than a platform to find doctors, we're creating a team around you that has your whole wellbeing in mind at every step of the way."

– Delia Wagner

Get in touch with the team

+44 (0) 7436944531

+44 (0) 7554 119202

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